Speaker system and power amplifier configuration

The speaker system needs to reproduce various music programs with high quality. According to the properties of the music signal, the peak factor is about 10-15dB. From the perspective of ensuring sound quality, the power amplifier should not have any limiting in this dynamic range, that is, The maximum output power of the power amplifier should be 5-8 times the rated power of the speaker. Although the sound quality of such a power configuration is very good, its investment will be very large, so this power ratio is generally set at 1-2 times the speaker unit. rated power. 1-2 times this range may be out of space, we can give you a more specific experience.

1. In some low-demand and limited-investment engineering amplifiers, the power is at least equivalent to the rated power of the speaker, but pay attention to keeping the sound undistorted. A power configuration that is too small does not seem to damage the speaker unit. In fact, it is easy to be too small Overload clipping occurs, generating a lot of harmonics and burning the tweeter.

2. General engineering recommends that the power of the power amplifier is 1.5 times, and the bass part is better than 1.5 times, so as to obtain a sufficient sense of power.

3. Highly demanding sound places, such as studio monitors, concert halls, etc., are ideally twice the power of the speakers, (this is consistent with one of the recommended values ​​of the mating standards established by the International Electrotechnical Commission IEC)

There is no hard standard for designing the power of the power amplifier, which depends entirely on the investment budget and the requirements on sound quality.
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XLPE Insulated Electrical Cable For Rated Voltage 0.6/1kV

1. Product Standard

GB/T12706.1-2002, equivalent to IEC60502

2. Usage

This product is suitable for use in rated AC voltage (U0/U) 0.6/1kV system transmitting and distributing circuit.

3. Property for Use

It is far better than all property targets of PVC Insulated Power Cable and has overcome the shortcomings of physical and chemical cross-linkage, and completely reaches or surpasses GB and IEC technical property value.

The allowed max .cable conductor work temperature is 90℃;urgent excess work temperature is 130℃ for short circuit(5s), max. conductor temperature is 250℃.

The environmental temperature for laying cable should be not less than 0℃. If laying under 0℃, the cable should be preheated.

The cable bend radius for single core should be not less than 12 times of overall cable diameter; for multi-core cable, not less than 10 times of overall cable diameter.

The current-carrying capacity is large and not limited by drop during laying .

4. Type of cable

0.6kv Cable,1kv Cable

Type: YJV, YJLV, YJY, YJLY, YJV22, YJLV22, YJV23, YJLV23, YJV32, YJLV32, YJV33, YJLV33.


YJV: Copper conductor , XLPE insulated and PVC sheathed Electrical cable

YJLV: Aluminum conductor , XLPE insulated and PVC sheathed Electrical cable

YJY: Copper conductor , XLPE insulated and PE sheathed Electrical cable

YJLY: Aluminum conductor , XLPE insulated and PE sheathed Electrical cable

YJV22: Copper conductor , XLPE insulated, steel tape armored and PVC sheathed Electrical cable

YJLV22: Aluminum conductor , XLPE insulated, steel tape armored and PVC sheathed Electrical cable

YJV23: Copper conductor , XLPE insulated, steel tape armored and PE sheathed Electrical cable

YJLV23: Aluminum conductor , XLPE insulated, steel tape armored and PE sheathed Electrical cable

YJV32: Copper conductor , XLPE insulated, steel wire armored and PVC sheathed Electrical cable

YJLV32: Aluminum conductor , XLPE insulated, steel wire armored and PVC sheathed Electrical cable

YJV33: Copper conductor , XLPE insulated, steel wire armored and PE sheathed Electrical cable

YJLV33: Aluminum conductor , XLPE insulated, steel wire armored and PE sheathed Electrical cable


YJV, YJLV, YJY, YJLY: For laying indoors, in tunnels or cable trench, unable to bear external mechanical forces.

YJV22, YJLV22, YJV23, YJLV23: Indoors, tunnels, cable canal, vertically burying and easy to corrode places, can bear mechanical pressure

YJV32, YJLV32, YJV33, YJLV33: Vertically laying, can bear mechanical pulling force, but not pressure.

Low Voltage Power Cable

Four Core Aluminium Conductor,Five Core Copper Conductor,1kv Cable,0.6kv Cable

Huayuan Gaoke Cable Co.,Ltd. , https://www.bjhygkcable.com

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